New Patient Packet

Step 1 of 6

Coastal Carolina Otolaryngology

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please enter a number from 0 to 150.
Marital Status
Mailing Address

Local Pharmacy Information
Please include a local pharmacy; if you do not have one, please let the front office staff know.

Guarantor/Guardian (For patients UNDER 18 years of age)

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Legal Guardian? (Guardianship documentation is required at time of check-in.)

Emergency Contact Information

Insurance Information

Policyholder Information
Please make sure to fill out this portion if the patient is not the policyholder. We need this information in the event we have to schedule surgeries or procedures and to obtain billing benefits.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

3822 Mayfair Street, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 | Phone: (843) 449-6449

1120 Glenns Bay Road, Suite 117, Surfside Beach, SC 29575 | Phone: (843) 215-1068